
United States Certainly, this is a much more user-friendly way to suggest that the yuan is depreciated, attitude that contrasts sharply with the accusations made by the same Geithner early in his administration on policy and exchange rate artificially depreciated that the Chinese Government carries out affecting of greatly to us external accounts. But while China is on track to the appreciation of the yuan that will allow a realignment of the bilateral trade balance with the US (in case that decides to take such a decision), the South American country needs to generate confidence that China keep their predisposition towards the acquisition of us public debt, since the imbalances of the macroeconomic variables of the main world economy seriously threaten the strength of the dollarwhich may result in a strong loss of wealth for China given its high holding of U.S. Treasury securities. Is in this sense that Geithner had expressed commitment to reinforce the fiscal accounts once overcome the agitations of the crisis: when we recover from this unprecedented crisis, cut the fiscal deficit (and) will eliminate the extraordinary Government support that we have put in place to overcome the crisis. Despite the efforts of the U.S. Government to achieve a change in Chinese foreign policy, at the moment, given the global crisis situation and the needs of the Eastern Government to maintain a strong pace of economic growth, does not seem feasible that they can heed these orders. That is why we make this alternative can hardly play in favour of the US economic recovery. Returning to the issue of the prospects for economic recovery in the United States, certainly there is no coincidence about your way.And it is important, that the strength of the positive effect that the US recovery will generate the rest of the economies may...