
More Profitable Investment Many people who have some money are eager to find something to invest their money, something that allows them to obtain the maximum benefit. The obvious question is what is the most profitable investment? In this respect, all those who have achieved success and wealth match the response: the most profitable investment, investment that produces greater fruits is the investment in yourself, in your personal, professional, mental and spiritual development. In his book the power to transform our lives, Andrew Corentt says that the best investment is one that allows you to generate more money. Any investment made on its ability to generate wealth will take you to abundance, success and happiness. To improve its capacity to generate wealth the following tips you will helpful: 1. each entry you may have should be left to reinvertirla part in its ability to generate more money. Doesn't matter if that amount is small, but must leave something to nourish your mind, as well as leave something to nourish your body. 2. Read good books. Read books on your work area. If you read every day half an hour on your work area in a few months will be well informed and in two or three years will be an expert. If you read every day for more than five years it will be an international authority in their field of work. 3. Read books on human potential and personal development. In addition to reading about your work area, you must read on their mental abilities and potential. There are many people who are experts in their areas of work, but do not achieve success and wealth because they never explored their abilities. The majority of millionaires who have become if same are not the most expert in your area. They are experts...
Russia Tax This is especially secure property rights, its legal protection, availability of credit, low interest rates, low taxes. The level of taxation, ease and convenience of the tax system is essential for the competitiveness of its economy, its investment climate and level of economic freedom, the necessity of a just Dmitry Medvedev said in his speech in Krasnoyarsk. The lower tax rate than the more favorable investment climate. The higher tax burden, the less level of economic freedom. At the same time raising taxes can be a tool for treatment of "overheating" economy. First, create a normal tax conditions for industrial development, to large-scale tax reform and then to enjoy the fruits of its development - job creation and large-scale additions to the budget. This was also indicated by the successful experience of China, previously successfully used tax incentives for further development. So why should reduce the VAT rate may compensate for its loss of other taxes? In order to 1) improve tax collection, expand the tax base by reducing the volume of transactions tax planning, business exit from the "shadow", and 2) to make the economy more transparent and legal, which is essential for its normal development, fundraising, etc., and 3) to stimulate economic growth, create the conditions for a permanent increase in the tax base in the future, and 4) improve the investment climate, increase the inflow of capital into Russia, 5) improve the competitiveness of our products before entry into the WTO, and 6) lower corruption, and 7) to create incentives for innovation and not the commodity sector; 8) to support the stock market. It seems that the introduction of VAT in 1992 to prohibitive levels - at a rate of 28% (reduced to one year 20%) put the economy in a state of shock and caused the...